A bit of history Step 1 of 10 10% A bit of history Your details This is just so we can match your form to your client folderName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Dog Name(Required)(Please just include the name of the main dog we're working with) Choosing your dog Where did you get your dog from? Puppy (Bred by you) Puppy (From breeder/place where mum was) Puppy (From rescue/no original place of birth) Private rehoming Rescue organisation How old was your dog when they came to you?Why did you choose this breed of dog?Why did you choose your particular dog as an individual? Genes and early experiences If you’ve already worked through our free course ‘3 steps to a life of harmony with your dog’, you’ll know that parentage and what happens during pregnancy and the early weeks can play an important role in behaviour (and health!). The next four sections are therefore all about what you remember, or have been told, about your dog’s early history up to the point they left mum and the litter. We know you might only have limited information, or sometimes none at all. Don’t worry, just tell us what you can – every bit helps! Parents - Mum It really helps us to know as much information as you can remember or have been told by previous homes about your dog’s early history up to the point where they left the mum and the litter – this is usually at around 8-12 weeks of age. Do you know anything about mum?e.g. Breed, age, did you meet her or see videos, were you provided with any pedigree or health certificates? Yes No What breed was Mum?Was Mum a Family pet Show dog Working dog Stray Don't know Other How old was Mum when she had the litter and how many litters had she had?Did you meet Mum? Tell us what she was like (e.g. quiet, excited, nervous, friendly etc)Did mum have any health screenings for genetic conditions? Please give as much detail as you can.e.g. hip dysplasia, eye tests etc.Did you find out anything else about Mum’s medical history? Any known medical conditions, skin or ear issues, accidents or injuries?Did Mum have any problems during the pregnancy and birth? Please put any details here, for example if Mum was unwell or puppies were born by C-section or any puppies were still-bornDid Mum have any problems feeding the puppies? For example did any require additional hand feeding? If you know, please also tell us what sort of food Mum was givenHow did Mum behave around the puppies? Parents - Dad Do you know anything about dad?e.g. Breed, age, did you meet her or see videos, were you provided with any pedigree or health certificates? Yes No What breed was Dad?Was Dad a Family pet Show dog Working dog Stray Don't know Other Did you meet Dad? Tell us what he was like (e.g. quiet, excited, nervous, friendly etc)Did dad have any health screenings for genetic conditions? Please give as much detail as you can.e.g. hip dysplasia, eye tests etc.Did you find out anything else about Dad’s medical history? Any known medical conditions, skin or ear issues, accidents or injuriesHow did Dad behave around the puppies? The litter Was the litter from An accidental mating A home/hobby breeder (not registered) A professional breeder Other How many puppies in the litter? If you know how many boys and how many girls, tell us here.Did you see/meet any other puppies in the litter? Yes No, but saw videos No How would you describe the behaviour of the puppies (and roughly what age were they)? (e.g. quiet, sleepy, shy, excited, playful, bitey, focused on each other, keen to say hello, nervous etc)What age did the puppies leave Mum?Tell us about any issues you're aware of e.g. puppy ill health or concerns about development Early environment and experiences Do you know anything at all about where your puppy spent their first few weeks? Yes No Please tell us as much as you can about the environment where your puppy spent their first few weeks.e.g. with the breeder in their home with 2 children and other dogs, on a farm (kennel/stable/outbuilding, in a rescue kennel with Mum etc.Did the puppies have one shared food bowl or separate food bowls? Unknown One shared food bowl Multiple food bowls Other What toys and activities did the puppies have access to?where did the puppies sleep? Was this the same during the day and at night?How had the breeder started the process of toilet training?What sort of rooms or other environments did the puppies have opportunities to explore?Did the puppies have opportunities to... Opportunities to go into different rooms/environments Opportunities to explore outside Opportunities to hear/see household appliances (TV, washing machine, vacuum) Opportunities to meet other people outside the family Opportunities to meet other dogs Opportunities to meet other animals Opportunities to meet children Please tell us anything else you know about your puppy’s early experiences in their first 8 or so weeks.e.g. sound introductions, car travel, vet visits, starting grooming, getting used to being away from Mum and the litter etc. Life experiences in between leaving Mum and coming to live with you Now we want to find out about any places your dog lived after leaving Mum/the place they were born, before coming to you (if you know). Some dogs have really simple histories, others have very complicated ones, so please guide us as best as you can through the approximate timeline and moves that your dog has had. For example if your dog left Mum/the litter at 8 weeks, went to a home for 6 months and then into a rescue kennels for 1 month, then a foster home for 2 months, then back to kennels for 1 month, then to you, please tell us about each of those moves separately, even if you only know rough dates and vague information - every little helps! We also know there may be times when you know nothing at all for the first part of a dog’s life, especially for some rescue dogs. If that’s the case, just put ‘don’t know’ for the age they left the litter and ‘don’t know’ for where your dog went. Then in the next question put the age you first know something, even if that is just when they come to you. Tell us what you can about anywhere else your dog has lived In chronological order please!Some dogs have really simple histories, others have very complicated ones, so please guide us through and give us an approximate timeline, up until the point your dog moves in with you. Think about each approximate age (as best as you are aware) that your dog moved to a new environment and answer the questions about each. For example if your dog left Mum/the litter at 8 weeks, went to a home for 6 months and then into a rescue kennels for 1 month, then a foster home for 2 months, then back to kennels for 1 month, then to you, please tell us about each of those moves separately, even if you only know rough dates and vague information - every little helps! You might also know nothing about your dog before 5 years old. That's fine, just put 'don't know' for the age they left the litter. Then you can put the age they came to you in the next section.1st move - leaving Mum/the litterWhat age was your dog(Required)Just put 'don't know' if you don't have any historyWhere did your dog go(Required) To me / us Don't know / not sure To another home To rescue (kennels) To rescue (foster) Tell us anything you know (or suspect) about that that time.(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the home(Required)e.g. young family, retired, farm, townTell us about any behavioural or medical problems you were aware of during that period.(Required)Why did your dog leave this home?(Required)Name of rescue organisation(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the kennels.(Required)Please note here any information about your dog’s behaviour assessment in rescue at this time. Were you told about any specific behaviour or medical problems?(Required)Name of rescue organisation(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the foster home(Required)Please note here any information about your dog’s behaviour assessment in rescue at this time. Were you told about any specific behaviour or medical problems?(Required)this might be staff or volunteer observations or a more formal reportWhy did your dog leave this foster home?(Required)Next Move (2)Date of move(Required) Day Month Year Where did your dog go(Required) To me / us Don't know / not sure To another home To rescue (kennels) To rescue (foster) Tell us anything you know (or suspect) about that that time.(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the home(Required)Tell us about any behavioural or medical problems you were aware of during that period.(Required)Why did your dog leave this home?(Required)Name of rescue organisation(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the kennels.(Required)Please note here any information about your dog’s behaviour assessment in rescue at this time. Were you told about any specific behaviour or medical problems?(Required)Name of rescue organisation(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the foster home(Required)Please note here any information about your dog’s behaviour assessment in rescue at this time. Were you told about any specific behaviour or medical problems?(Required)this might be staff or volunteer observations or a more formal reportWhy did your dog leave this foster home?(Required)Next move (3)Date of move(Required) Day Month Year Where did your dog go(Required) To me / us Don't know / not sure To another home To rescue (kennels) To rescue (foster) Tell us anything you know (or suspect) about that that time.(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the home(Required)e.g. young family, retired, farm, townTell us about any behavioural or medical problems you were aware of during that period.(Required)Why did your dog leave this home?(Required)Name of rescue organisation(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the kennels.(Required)Were the dogs housed singly or in groups? Was it very busy/noisy? What sort of enrichment/behaviour support was given if anyPlease note here any information about your dog’s behaviour assessment in rescue at this time. Were you told about any specific behaviour or medical problems?(Required)this might be staff or volunteer observations or a more formal reportName of rescue organisation(Required)Tell us as much as you can about the foster home(Required)e.g. young family, retired, farm, townPlease note here any information about your dog’s behaviour assessment in rescue at this time. Were you told about any specific behaviour or medical problems?(Required)this might be staff or volunteer observations or a more formal report Why did your dog leave this foster home?(Required)More Moves...If your dog has had any other moves before coming to you, please tell us about them here (same sort of information as above).(Required)Please do give dates so we complete the timeline. The first month with your new dog Were you given any specific conditions of purchasing, rehoming or adoption?For example that you can't breed from your dog your dog, the breeder has rights to breed in the future, your dog must be muzzled in certain situations?Please tell us as much as you can remember about the first time you met your dogWhere you were, how your dog reacted to you, any characteristics you noticed etc.Tell us as much as you can about the journey home.e.g. sick in car, barked all the way home, didn’t want to get out of the car, calm, slept etc.How did your new dog behave during the first couple of days at home?e.g. confident, unsure, quiet, boisterous, didn’t eat, clingy etc.How were they meeting other people and pets in the home?In general how confident was your dog at home? e.g. with noises, appliances1 - Nervous2345 - ConfidentIn general how confident was your dog out on walks? e.g. with traffic, things in the environment1 - Nervous2345 - ConfidentIn general how confident was your dog with people?1 - Nervous2345 - ConfidentHow well did your dog settle at night?1 - Unsettled2345 - SettledOverall in the first month, what did you find easy?Overall in the first month, what did you find more difficult? 6962