A typical day for you Step 1 of 2 50% Your details This is just so we can match your form to your client folderName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Dog's Name(Required)(Please just include the name of the main dog we're working with) Your routine and times you're out of the house We understand that everyone’s life is different, and it really helps us provide the best support we can if we have an understanding of what your typical routine looks like. And yes, we know it will vary from week to week! Please just give us an idea of a ‘typical’ or ‘average’ week and anything that might cause it to be significantly different (like shifts, working away etc).Does anyone in the house work? Yes No What are your occupations and typical work hours?(Required)If you leave the house to go to work, please tell us the times you are typically out INCLUDING travel time. If you work from home, it would be really helpful if you can tell us the access your dog has to you during that time and what your routine is for interaction together or when you can’t be disturbed, e.g. in meetings.Please tell us a bit about your general daily routine and make a note of any regular activities which mayimpact what you do with your dog e.g. going shopping or to the gym, activities you do regularly with your children, hobbies, caring for relatives etc.(Required)In one day, during the day, what is the AVERAGE amount of time your dog(s) is alone for?(Required) How often is your dog alone for the AVERAGE time mentioned in the previous question?(Required)e.g. twice a week, three times a month etc. In one day, during the day, what is the MAX amount of time your dog(s) is alone for?(Required) How often is your dog alone for the 'MAX' time, mentioned in the previous question?(Required)e.g. twice a week, three times a month etc. And that's it! Time to submit..... 82444