Diet and gastrointestinal health Step 1 of 10 10% Diet and gastrointestinal health Your details This is just so we can match your form to your client folderName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Dog's Name(Required) Food and treats Diet and gastrointestinal health can have a huge impact on behaviour and well-being. We know it can be really hard to describe and remember what your dog is eating currently, especially if they’re on a varied diet and to remember what you’ve fed previously. But it can be really important, so please tell us as much as you can. Appetite Appetite1 (Never hungry)2345 (Always starving)How fussy is your dog about what they eat1 (Very picky)2345 (Eats everything)How fast does your dog eat1 (Very slowly)2345 (Gone in 20 seconds)Have you noticed any changes in appetite or food preferences over time? Please describe Mealtimes How often do you give your dog a proper meal? Once a day Twice a day Three times a day ad lib / grazing Other Where do you feed your dog?e.g. kitchenWhat do you feed your dog from?e.g. raised metal bowl, ceramic bowl on floor, activity toy, by handDo you stay with your dog or leave while they eat? Ingredients Are you aware of your dog having eaten the following proteins at any point;CurrentlyPreviously but not nowNeverUnknownChickenTurkeyDuckWhite FishOily FishPorkBeefLambVenisonRabbitWild BoarInsectKangarooReindeerHorseBuffaloIf there are any other protein sources you know your dog has had that isn't mentioned above, please let us know what they are and when they've had it here;Are you aware of your dog having eaten the following carbohydrates at any point;CurrentlyPreviously but not nowNeverUnknownRiceWhite PotatoSweet potatoWheatMaizeBarleyQuinoaBuckwheatMilletAre there any foods that you think are not suitable for your dog and why?e.g. doesn't like it, causes bad poos, causes sickness, lethargic etc. Remember you can press the + button to add a new row.FoodWhy Not Suitable Add RemovePlease list your dog's favourite foods;Remember, you can press the + button to add a new row. Add RemovePlease list any foods you know your dog doesn't like;Remember, you can press the + button to add a new row. Add Remove What do you feed? Do you feed (tick all that apply)(Required) Dry food (kibble) Dry food (cold pressed) Wet food (e.g. tins or pouches) Freeze dried raw Raw (commercial frozen) Raw (diy) Home cooked Other If other, please specify ...(Required)For home cooked or DIY raw, please tell us what recipes you tend to use(Required)For the commercial food (whether dry, wet, raw etc.), please tell us ALL the brands and flavours you currently use.(Required)Remember - you can press the + to add a new rowType (e.g. dry, wet, raw etc.)BrandFlavourHow often do you feed this?When did you start feeding this food? Add RemoveWhy did you choose these foods?Do you add anything else to your dog's food? e.g. meat, veg, gravy, leftovers, cheese, toppers etc. please be specificHave you used other foods previously and changed?(Required) Yes No Which foods, why and when did you change?(Required)BrandFlavourWhen startedWhen stoppedWhy Add Remove Treats and chews What sort of treats does your dog have? Please include human food like cheese, chicken, carrot etc or give us an idea of brands/flavours.Remember - you can press the + button to add an extra row.TreatBrandFlavourHow often do they have it? Add RemoveWhat sort of edible chew's does your dog have? E.g. dental sticks, raw hide, antlers, veg chews, tenders, ears etc.Remember - you can press the + button to add an extra row.ChewBrandHow often do they have it? Add Remove Behaviour around food How does your dog behave when hungry? e.g. just before mealtimesWhat does your dog usually do in the hour or so after eating?Have you ever noticed your dog do any of the following, particularly in the couple of hours after eating?NeverPreviously, not nowOccasionallyOftenDailyscratching, especially at sidesbiting/nibbling/licking at sideslicking/nibbling pawslicking/nibbling bottomlicking the floor/bed or other objects?Hiccupsregurgitation of food or water/Vomitinghumping (e.g. bedding)Borborygmi (gurgling and tummy noises)FlatulenceScooting bottomBurpingBloatingHunching their abdomenRubbing their mouth (e.g. with foot, on floor, on bed)Is there anything else you've noticed?Does your dog eat non-food items likeNeverPreviously, not nowOccasionallyOftenDailylittertheir own pooOther dog pooOther animal pooanything else they shouldn't!Has any medical treatment been required for the above? please describe and let us know if there is anything not on the list above!Does your dog ever 'guard' food, treats or other things they try to eat? Please describe the situations when this happens and how you manage it Poo (sorry!) Roughly how many times a day does your dog do a poo?Have you noticed any changes in frequency, volume, colour or consistency over time? Please describe (with approx dates if possible)What consistency is your dogs usual poo?All of the timeMost of the timePart of the timeOccasionallyNeverFirm, log shaped, no residueFairly firm, log shaped, some residueFormed but loses shape when picked up, some residueSoft (lacks form)LiquidDoes the consistency vary during the day? What causes it to be softer? e.g. later in the day, a bit at the end of each poo, always soft on walks but ok in the garden etc.What colour is your dogs usual poo?All of the timeMost of the timePart of the timeOccasionallyNeverVery dark/blackBrownYellow-orangeGreyishGreenishHave you noticed any of the following in your dog's poo?All of the timeMost of the timePart of the timeOccasionallyNeverBloodGrassHairForeign objects (!)Undigested foodwhite bits (like grains of rice)mucousOtherIf other, please specify ...Does your dog ever appear to be straining when they poo?All of the timeMost of the timePart of the timeOccasionallyNeverDoes your dog ever move along while they poo?All of the timeMost of the timePart of the timeOccasionallyNeverDo you notice your dog scooting their bottom on the floor? How often? Pee How often does your dog go for a wee on a day where they go for a walk?How often does your dog go for a wee on a day where they don’t go for a walk?How stinkey is your dog's wee?Super stinkyStinkyDefinitely a scentSlight smellBarely noticeableWhen they pee, do they lift their leg or squat or a mix of both? Lift their leg Squat A mix of both On average, how much water does your dog drink in a day?e.g. half a liter. If you're not sure, you can try measuring your dogs water bowl! Have you noticed any changes in the amount of water your dog drinks over time? Please describeHave you noticed any changes in the frequency, volume, colour or smell of your dog's wee over time?And that's it! Time to submit..... 72326