

We know it's not fun reading Ts and Cs, but it is important!

For ease of reading for you, we have included below a couple of extracts from the Ts and Cs on way of working and cancellations which are particularly important for our one to one clients.

Please Note: what you see here are only extracts, when you sign this form you are agreeing to the full terms and conditions as set out at:


These extracts are taken from the current version of the terms and conditions available on the website. Version dated 1st July 2022.

Please note the full terms and conditions document also includes our policies on things like payment, other forms of cancellations, participating in groups or memberships, data privacy and protection etc.

Important Extracts

2.1 Acceptable training techniques and methods for training and behaviour modification

At Canine Thinking we only use or suggest behaviour modification, training and wellbeing practices which are kind, fair and adhere to the best practice principles of ‘least invasive, minimally aversive’ (LIMA) and which therefore always have the emotional and physical wellbeing of both the pet and the guardian or handler at their core. This is central to our ethos and also forms part of the requirements of the professional bodies to which Canine Thinking is affiliated.

We strive for continual improvement and to remain at the leading edge of the ever-expanding science and research which underpin these techniques.

We do not allow, and you agree not to use, any punitive techniques which may cause pain, discomfort, fear or anxiety, including, but not restricted to:

  • harsh handling such as jerking, alpha rolls or scruffing
  • use of physical force to elicit a behaviour
  • physical punishment or corrections
  • equipment designed to be aversive including choke chains, prong collars, remote collars, water sprays, rattle bottles, pet correctors

We reserve the right to stop an in-person session and ask you to leave, to terminate a remote session and to revoke access to any group memberships should you be abusive to any person or animal. You are not entitled to any refund in these circumstances.

2.2 Veterinary care and medical issues

You accept full responsibility for your dog’s wellbeing at all times.

This includes ensuring that you check with your vet that any exercises or suggested training or behaviour method or other recommendations are appropriate for your dog’s health status and that there are no underlying medical issues which may affect your dog if you follow any of these.

Canine Thinking may draw your attention to areas of behaviour which, in our experience, may be affected by various medical issues, in order to prompt you to check with your vet, but these are suggestions for information only, do not constitute any form of advice and even in the absence of these prompts, you remain responsible for ensuring your dog is fit and well at all times.

For Behaviour, Training and Wellbeing Support Services:

We accept behaviour, training and wellbeing cases both directly from clients and on referral from veterinary surgeons. Behaviour and physical wellbeing are very closely correlated and for ALL one to one consultations (and sometimes in other circumstances if there is a specific medical issue which you have made us aware of), we will ask for your dog’s medical records and may need to discuss your dog with your vet in order to seek advice from your vet on any potential underlying medical issues which may affect behaviour, training or wellbeing.

The Canine Thinking team or your vet may advise that your dog be seen again by your vet at any point, for example if any potential medical concerns arise. It will be your responsibility to ensure that this is carried out before implementing any advice from your consultation or programme with us.

We reserve the right to communicate with your Veterinary Surgeon about your dog(s) at any time if we deem this to be necessary or helpful. You agree to give your vet permission to speak us about your dog.

If your dog has any known allergies, intolerances, health changes or any other special or medical conditions or needs, it is your responsibility to bring this to our attention prior to the start of any session.

2.3 Our commitment to you when providing in-person and remote behaviour and training support services

We commit to working with you to understand the problems you are facing and to using our professional expertise to recommend appropriate strategies to help you and your dog(s) work through these together. We will explain what these strategies are, why we are proposing them to you and, where possible, what the range of outcomes may be.

There is often no quick fix for training, behaviour and wellbeing issues and any results will depend on, amongst other things, your dog as an individual (personality, temperament, prior experience), your own efforts (time, adherence, capability) in implementing the plan, and environment and other external ongoing influences (for example compliance of other family members, changes in home environment or routine, health and wellbeing, external environment, unplanned external events or experiences outside of your control), all of which are outside of the control of Canine Thinking. We have worked successfully with many hundreds of clients, but since these factors differ among all individuals, Canine Thinking cannot and does not warrant or make any representations or guarantees regarding your success.

We commit to offering you ongoing support, in-line with the services you purchase, to adjust and modify the plan as you move forward with your dog(s).

Appointments with the behaviour and training team are available outside of 'working days' by prior-arrangement and we always do our best to be more generally available for reasonable support outside of 'working days' by email, phone or other messages but this is entirely at our discretion and we ask that clients respect 'reasonable' hours for making contact with us as far as possible and in particular avoiding after 6.30pm Monday-Friday, after 2pm Saturday and at all on Sundays. We understand emergencies may arise, and are happy to help wherever we can, but we may charge 'out of hours rates' in some cases.

2.4 Your commitment to us when participating in in-person and remote behaviour and training support services

You agree to be open and honest in all the information you provide and to ask us for clarification if anything is unclear.

You commit to the agreed training, behaviour and wellbeing plan and to making the changes to help improve the problems you wish to address with your dog(s).

You agree to avoid introducing alternative training or behaviour modification methods (such as those picked up from TV, books, friends or other trainers) in order to avoid confusion and stress for your dog. We are always happy to discuss these with you and to include in your plan if appropriate to do so.

You understand that there are no ‘quick fixes’ and you accept responsibility for your own training capability, time availability and skill as well as adherence to the plan and for your dog’s progress.

You accept full responsibility for the physical and emotional wellbeing, safety, control and behaviour of your dog(s) at all times. This includes ensuring that your dog receives appropriate veterinary care, is properly supervised at all times and that any interactions between your dog and a third party (including your family and any other pets) are safe for both the dog and others involved.

2.6 Safety, Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability

You understand that training, working with and interacting with dogs, especially when modifying behaviour, may pose a risk of injury. You agree to ensuring that necessary steps are taken at all times to prevent injury to yourself, your dog(s) and other parties (including family, other people and other animals), including, but not restricted to, ensuring a safe environment, the use of a muzzle where appropriate, keeping your dog on lead and avoidance of situations that might trigger aggressive (or perceived to be aggressive) behaviours.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Canine Thinking Ltd, Lisa Webb and each of the company’s Directors, officers, employees, and agents against any and all losses, liabilities, judgments, awards and costs (including legal fees and expenses) arising out of, or related to, any claim of injury to persons or property of any kind, whether before, during or after the services and when implementing suggested techniques with your dog(s).

5.1 One to one support services (in person and online) – Very Best Paw Forward, Pawtastic Start and Pawsome Wellbeing coaching programmes

These provide high level behaviour, training and wellbeing coaching over an agreed period of time (typically 4-12 weeks), through a combination of online or in person sessions and support in-between via phone, email and WhatsApp. We agree the format of the programme with you at the outset, but given the nature of the highly personalised support that these offer, we may sometimes recommend flexing these arrangements in order to best meet the needs of you and your dog.

The programme is a commitment to personalised support between Canine Thinking and the client and no refunds will be offered once access to the programme has been granted. This applies whether payments are made in full at the start of the programme or via a payment plan where this is an available option.

In the event that we have to cancel a session with you due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness/emergency, we will make every effort to reschedule your session to another mutually convenient time. If weather or other reasons prevents an in person session, the session will be held via zoom or another online means if at all possible at the same time.

Failure to attend a scheduled session forfeits your right to that session. Whilst we are happy to consider requests to reschedule a session for unavoidable reasons, this is at the sole discretion of Canine Thinking and we offer no guarantee that a planned session can be rescheduled. All sessions must be used within the allocated time of the programme and cannot be rolled over to later weeks in order to be fair to all clients (unless specifically agreed and at the sole discretion of Canine Thinking). Should you need to reschedule a session, contact the client team as soon as possible. If no other appointment is available that session will be forfeited.

5.2 One to one support services (in person and online) – ‘A Helping Paw’ and any other one-off or additional sessions

Session fees must be paid for in full at time of booking in order to confirm the proposed date and time. Sessions can be refunded in accordance with the following:

Notice period Refund for cancellation
Greater than 10 full working days 100% + travel fees paid but not yet incurred
6-10 full working days 50% + travel fees not yet incurred
5 full working days or less 0% + travel fees not yet incurred

Cancellations must be notified in writing, by email, to clients@caninethinking.com. It is your responsibility to ensure that the email has been received by us (we cannot be held responsible for email failures). If emails are sent out of hours, we will send an acknowledgement the next working day and if you have not heard from us, it is your responsibility to get back in touch. If notifying by telephone, the notification is only deemed to have been made when you receive an acknowledgement in writing from Canine Thinking. If your cancellation is close to the end of a notice period, we recommend you call us in addition to your email.

In the event that we have to cancel a session with you due to unforeseen circumstances, such as adverse weather/illness/emergency, we will make every effort to reschedule your session to another mutually convenient time or venue. This may include changing an in-person session to one via zoom or other online means. If this is not possible, we will refund you for the cost of the session.

Canine Thinking will not be liable for any losses or expenses arising from amendments or cancellations.

Refunds should be requested by emailing clients@caninethinking.com.

5.3 Group (2 or more participant) support services (in person and online)

For group classes (with 2 or more participants), payments are required in full at the time of booking and are non-refundable after the 14 day statutory cancellation period (see below).

For group classes (with 2 or more participants), payments are required in full at the time of booking. The contract with Canine Thinking is deemed to commence no later than 14 days prior to delivery of the service as part of the service includes preparation work. Bookings are therefore non-refundable after this period or the 14 day statutory cancellation period, whichever is earlier.

Occasionally we may be able to offer a transfer to another suitable class or service, but this is at the sole discretion of Canine Thinking, is dependent on another client filling your place and may incur an administration fee at the sole discretion of Canine Thinking.

We are unable to offer any refunds on missed sessions as part of a course, but you will receive any handouts or other information provided to participants during the session you missed.

Canine Thinking reserves the right to change the content, venue or instructor of group courses in order to provide a high quality service or where it is necessary for reasons beyond our control.

Canine Thinking will not be liable for any losses or expenses arising from amendments or cancellations.

5.4 Online courses, webinars and digital downloads

All online courses, webinars and digital downloads must be paid for at the point of booking.

The contract with Canine Thinking is deemed to commence as soon as the course, webinar or digital download is accessed or 14 days after purchase, whichever is soonest.

Online courses, webinars and digital downloads are non-refundable after contract commencement and after the 14 day Statutory Cancellation Period.

Canine Thinking reserves the right to change Live Webinars at any time (including the time and date of the Live Webinar). In the very unlikely event that this will happen, every effort will be made to ensure a Live Webinar of an equivalent topic and standard is made available on a similar day and time to the originally planned webinar.

5.5 Membership groups

By taking out a membership subscription with Canine Thinking, you agree to the following conditions:

  • Your payment subscription will be taken each month (or year, depending on the subscription type selected), on the same day you originally subscribed.
  • Your contract with Canine Thinking is deemed to start at the point of booking as all membership benefits will be available from that point.
  • You will have full access to all the materials and benefits currently available within the membership and all new materials that are released as long as you remain a member.
  • Your subscription amount will remain unchanged as long as your membership is uninterrupted.
  • You can cancel your subscription at any time by emailing a cancellation request to clients@caninethinking.com. Your membership will be cancelled from your next payment date and you will have access to materials until that point.
  • After cancellation takes effect you will lose access to all Member benefits, including access to courses and the community. No refunds can be issued for periods prior to the cancellation request being received. You will not be entitled to keep any materials, except downloads that you have legitimately taken. You are welcome to rejoin at a later date but your subscription will be set at the current rate at that time.
  • If a subscription payment fails, we will attempt to contact you to resolve any issues, but if payment can’t be collected after three attempts, your membership will be automatically cancelled.
  • All membership subscriptions are subject to the terms and conditions outlined elsewhere in this document.

Agreement to Terms and Conditions

If you would like a copy of this form sent to you for your reference, please provide an email address here

I confirm:

  1. I have read and agree to the Canine Thinking Terms and Conditions which are available in full here: https://caninethinking.com/terms-conditions

  2. I have read and agree to the Canine Thinking Data & Privacy Policy which is available in full here:https://caninethinking.com/privacy-policy

  3. I agree to complete all information forms required for the services to the best of my knowledge and confirm that I will declare any signs of aggressive behaviour to either people or other animals on those forms.


It is incredibly helpful for us to be able to use some of the images or videos we take (or you send us)

  • as part of educational material, for example to include in courses for other pet guardians, in the client guides we produce
  • for teaching other professionals like behaviourists, trainers, physios and vets
  • for the website and on social media to help with building awareness of what we do and promoting positive messages about the wonderful ways that people can live their happiest lives with their pets.

We treat all of your images as we would want our own to be treated

That means

we take great care not to show anything which is identifiable (e.g. your home or possessions .... and you too if you prefer we crop you out!) and we make sure the images of you look nice!!!! It might sound like a small thing, but it matters. Most of our clients are absolutely happy for us to do this, but we know that sometimes this isn't the case, so please let us know your preferences below.

4. I give permission for Canine Thinking to use images and videos as follows:

on the public area of the website and/or social media(Required)
in educational material like courses, guides and handouts(Required)
in the material we use only for the education, coaching and mentoring of other professionals - sometimes we need to show more 'context' in these, but these are restricted to that purpose, are not used in any public material and are invaluable for helping improve industry standards and research(Required)
I have read and agree to the full terms and conditions shown on the Canine Thinking website.(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY

(if you're not on a touch screen device, you can use your mouse to draw your signature in the box!)