Your relationship with your dog (and how you communicate!) Step 1 of 9 0% Your relationship with your dog (and how you communicate) Your details This is just so we can match your form to your client folderName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Dog Name(Required) Relationships with people at home From your previous information we know who lives at home, but now we would like to understand a bit more about the individual relationships you each have with your dog. Please just put the total number of people who live at home in the first box (sorry, it doesn’t automatically transfer from the other form!) and this will make sure you get the right questions below! If it’s just you, please put 1, if it’s you and one other person put 2 etc.How many people does your dog live with/ spend significant time with?Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.Tell us a bit about who does what e.g. feeding, walking, grooming, playtime, cuddles etc.How would you describe your relationship with your dog?What would your dog say they like best about you and what might they change?Do you feel your relationship with your dog has changed over time? If so, how?How consistent would you say you all are in how you interact with your dog? e.g. what's ok or not, house rules, how to deal with unwanted behaviours etc.1 - Each do different things2345 - Completely consistentWhat are the areas where there is inconsistency or you disagree on things?Now we’d like to understand a bit more about each person’s relationship with your dog – from your perspective and how you think your dog sees you!Person 1Person 1 (name)What would YOUR DOG SAY they like best about you (person 1) and what might they change?How would you (person 1) describe your relationship with your dog?Person 2Person 2 (Name)What would YOUR DOG SAY they like best about you (person 2) and what might they change?How would you (person 2) describe your relationship with your dog?Person 3Person 3 (Name)What would YOUR DOG SAY they like best about you (person 3) and what might they change?How would you (person 3) describe your relationship with your dog?Person 4Person 4 (Name)What would YOUR DOG SAY they like best about you (person 4) and what might they change?How would you (person 4) describe your relationship with your dog?Person 5 onwardsAnyone else? Tell us more here...Do you feel your dogs relationship has changed over time with anyone at home? If so, who, and how has the relationship changed? Physical touch and interaction for pleasure Where and how does your dog MOST LIKE to be touched (e.g. for cuddles/reward)?Which body part, describe the touch (soft stroke, firm pat, scritches etc)What does your dog do that makes you think this?What signs (body language) does your dog use to say they don't want to be touched or would like you to stop?How much does your dog enjoy fusses/cuddles from you/people at home1 - Tends to avoid2345 - LOVES being touchedHow much does your dog enjoy fusses/cuddles from unfamiliar people?1 - Tends to avoid2345 - LOVES being touchedHow important is it to you to be able to cuddle/fuss your dog?1 - Not bothered2345 - Really importantAt the moment.... I want more cuddle time/fusses/contact than my dog does We've got a good balance My dog wants more cuddle time/fusses/contact than I do Aggression / threatening behaviour towards you Has your dog ever shown any signs of aggression or threat towards you (or others they spend regular time with other than barking? (e.g. lunging, growling, snapping, biting)Note: Aggression towards unfamiliar people is covered in the 'How your dog gets on with other people form' Yes No If yes, please list all incidents here as best as you can...Incident 1 approximate date Day Month Year Please provide a brief description of the situationWhere it happened, what you think the trigger was, how the person reacted, how you reacted, how your dog was before, during and afterwards.Were there any injuries? (even if just bruising or minor graze) Yes No Unknown Were there any injuries? (even if just bruising or minor graze)Remember to press the + button if you need to add another row.Location of injuryType of injury Add RemoveAny other incidents? Yes No Incident 2 approximate date Day Month Year Please provide a brief description of the situationWhere it happened, what you think the trigger was, how the person reacted, how you reacted, how your dog was before, during and afterwards.Were there any injuries? (even if just bruising or minor graze) Yes No Unknown Were there any injuries? (even if just bruising or minor graze)Remember to press the + button if you need to add another row.Location of injuryType of injury Add RemoveAny other incidents? Yes No Incident 3 approximate date Day Month Year Please provide a brief description of the situationWhere it happened, what you think the trigger was, how the person reacted, how you reacted, how your dog was before, during and afterwards. Were there any injuries? (even if just bruising or minor graze) Yes No Unknown Were there any injuries? (even if just bruising or minor graze)Remember to press the + button if you need to add another row.Location of injuryType of injury Add RemoveAny other incidents? Yes No Please describe here Play, games and activities with you On average, how often would you say you and your dog play together?Less than once a monthOnce a monthA few times a monthOnce a weekA few times a weekOnce a dayMultiple times a dayWho initiates play? Mostly me Mostly my dog Both of us! What sort of games do you play together?How much does your dog enjoy play with you?1 (Not really)2345 (Best thing ever)How much do YOU enjoy playing with your dog?1 (Not really)2345 (Best thing ever)How excited does your dog get during play?1 (Calm and gentle)2345 (Overaroused and hyped up)How much does your dog play on their own with toys?1 (Not really)2345 (Several times a day)How do you tell your dog a game has finished? How do they respond to this?What sorts of play toys do you have?e.g. soft toys, ropes, balls etcWhat's your dogs favourite play toy?Have you noticed any changes in how your dog plays over time? Training history How well does your dog listen and respond to you at home?1 - Not much2345 - First time every timeHow well does your dog listen and respond to you on walks?1 - Not much2345 - First time every timeDoes your dog listen and respond differently to different people at home? Please describe.e.g. always comes back to me first time I call on walks, but takes a few attempts with the rest of the family.How fast does your dog learn?1 - Really slowly2345 - Super fastHow good is your dog's concentration?1 - Poor2345 - FantasticTell us some of the things you have taught your dog and how you did thise.g. 'wait' or 'on your bed' or 'lie down' or 'come' etcWhat things do you wish your dog knew how to do or needs to do more reliably?How much training / brainwork do you do with your dog now?Have you trained with a clicker (or equivalent verbal reward marker)? Yes - confident with a clicker Yes - some A little bit, but not really sure about it No Have you been to training classes? Yes No Which classese.g. vet puppy classes, name of training school etcWhat did you want to achieve?How many classes did you go to?How old was your dog?Tell us how you (and your dog) found these. What was great, any difficult experiences etc.Have you been to a trainer or behaviourist (one to one)? Yes No Who did you see?What did you want to achieve?How many sessions did you have?How old was your dog?Tell us how you (and your dog) found these. What was great, any difficult experiences etc.Do you do/have you done/would you like to do any dog sports or specific canine activities? If so, please tell us about them here. 'Good' behaviour - i.e. the things you like your dog to do. What sorts of things does your dog do that causes you to reward them?How do you reward your dog?How does your dog react to these rewards?Please describe the body language you see. Unwanted behaviour What sorts of things does your dog do which you don't want them to?How do you respond to these behaviours?e.g. ignore, or tell us how you interrupt/stop themHow does your dog react to this?Please don’t worry about your answers to this, we understand that sometimes people try things they wouldn’t do again or that they were recommended to do by someone else, it is just important that we know so we can understand how your dog’s behaviour may have been affected as a result.Please tell us if you use/have used any of these methods below in response to unwanted behaviours?Please don't worry about your answers. Please tick all that apply.NeverPrevious (not now)OccasionalQuite oftenMost daysSeveral times per dayStern or raised voiceShouting'Tch' or similarTap or proddingSmacking or similarJerking on collar/leadPick up dog to remove from situationCanister that makes a noise (rattle, spray or horn)Water or citronella spray (held by you)Air or citronella collarVibrating collarElectric collarPinning dog downScruffing (neck or back)Ear pinch or similarGrowling Emotions What do you see your dog doing when they're HAPPY? - Give us as much detail as possible!(Required)Hint - Think body language! What do you see your dog doing when they're NOT HAPPY? - Give us as much detail as possible!(Required)Hint - Think body languageAnd that's it ... Time to submit 67757