AHP – Puppy – The puppy joining your family AHP - Puppy - The puppy joining your family Step 1 of 5 20% Your details This is just so we can match your form to your client folderName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Breed What breed have you chosen?Why did you choose this breed?Tell us what you know about the breed you have chosen;Where did you source the breeder? Your puppies parents and siblings Have you seen the litter? Yes No - but plan too No - won't see them before collection At what age(s) were the litter when you visited them?How old will the litter be when you visit?What is the reason you're unable to see the litter?Hve you seen both parents? Yes No Why haven't you been able to see both parents?How did you choose your puppy from the litter? Medical history Has the puppy been vet checked? Yes No What is the reason the puppy hasn't had a vet check?Is a health record available? Yes No Has the puppy been checked for any relevant breed health checks?e.g. Hips, eyes etc. Yes No Unsure Have you seen a record of vaccines, worming, flea/tick medicines, microchip paperwork etc.? Yes No Unsure Why haven't you been able to see these records?Has the breeder offered an insurance scheme for the puppy – health and public liability? Yes No Please provide some brief details of the insurance scheme the offered Bringing your puppy home What age will your puppy be when you bring them home?Has the puppy been raised in a home or kennel environment? Home Kennel Other