Qualifications and Experience
Canine Thinking has been owned and run by Certified Companion Animal Behaviourist Lisa Webb for over 10 years.

You can be confident your experience will be underpinned by:
1. excellent practical skills
developed over many years of experience working with dogs of all different breeds, ages, backgrounds and training and behaviour needs.
2. degree level academic qualifications
regulated by OFQUAL.
3. ethical, modern, science-based, welfare-led training and behaviour techniques
always kept up-to-date with the most current research and knowledge.
Independently Regulated Qualifications
Lisa is one of the first seven behaviourists in the country to achieve the prestigious Level 6 (BSc Standard) COAPE Diploma in
Applied Clinical Pharmacology, Neurophysiology and Therapeutics in Companion Animal Behaviour and Training
She also holds the Level 4 and Level 5 COAPE Advanced Diplomas in Companion Animal Behaviour and Training. These are all independently regulated by Ofqual, the official Government regulator of qualifications, examinations and assessment in England, so you can be assured of the highest quality of education and rigorous assessment against strict criteria.

The Canine Thinking Pawducation team all have industry recognised qualifications, undertake regular CPD and are passionate about upholding the highest professional standards.
Assurance and Monitoring through Professional Memberships

These bodies have strict membership requirements in areas which are essential to delivering an effective, enjoyable, safe and high standard service to clients and their pets:
To always put welfare first
Code of Conduct
To adhere to a strict, transparent code of professional conduct
Up to date skills
To undertake at least 30 hours of continuing professional development every year
To be fully insured

We are proud to be part of the UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter
The Charter has been signed up to by the leading dog behaviour and training organisations in the UK and aims to make a clear statement regarding the future direction of the dog behaviour and training industry in relation to professional standards, tools and methodologies. The welfare of the dogs lies at the heart of its mandate, making clear representation as to what is, and isn’t, acceptable in a modern, progressive profession.
It gives you assurance and accountability that we have been checked, and that we are monitored and supported by a reputable organisation, and that we have aligned ourselves to the ethical, welfare and conduct obligations stated in the Charter.
Background & Experience

Lisa’s passion for dog behaviour started in earnest in 2005 when she adopted her first two greyhounds from rescue and embarked on a steep learning curve to help them overcome a long list of behavioural difficulties!
She became Regional Homing Officer for the Midlands and North region of Forever Hounds Trust, learning how to assess, rehabilitate and rehome sighthounds from all different backgrounds and support their new homes with behaviour and training advice.
This rapidly expanded to working with other breeds and charities, and with the achievement of ‘distinction’ in her first formal qualification in 2010, Lisa took the step to change her 20-30 hours-a-week ‘hobby’ into a full time vocation!
Areas of Expertise
In addition to her work with pet guardian clients, Lisa works with national and international animal rescue organisations on rehabilitation, training and behaviour cases, including specialised support to bedlington terrier and sighthound charities and their homes. She also provides volunteer and staff training, Continuing Professional Development webinars, gives talks and lectures, has tutored the Level 5 Diploma course for COAPE and carries out dog behaviour assessments for rescue intake and rehoming, child adoption applications and for court cases.
Lisa has previously been the Behaviour Advisor to Canine Arthritis Management and is passionate not only about the link between pain and behaviour, but in helping clients and their vets to access the behaviour information they need to facilitate early medical diagnosis of chronic pain and other medical conditions and make radical improvements to quality of life. Lisa also specialises in Canine Cognitive Dysfunction and the welfare of older dogs.