Our mini-course gives you everything you need to start using TTouch Body Work and help your canine companion relax and engage through a whole new level of balance and contentment.
It’s a beautiful way to build trust and connection.
TTouch is a wonderful skill. It changes perceptions of physical contact and interaction, reduces stress and arousal (and the behaviours that go with those!), helps reduce sound sensitivity, supports shy, fearful and anxious dogs, improves health and wellbeing and can even help dogs focus and engage the ‘thinking’ part of their brain, accelerating learning.
Learn the basic TTouches and techniques to help your dog release tension and improve wellbeing.
TTouch is an easy technique when you understand how to do it. We take you through an overview of what it is and how it works, then break the touches down into three sections – the circular touches, slides and lifts.
For eachn individual touch, not only is there a clear explanation of how to position and move your hand but we also have … and you’re in for a treat …. video demonstrations from the incredible Janet Finlay – a hugely experienced TTouch practitioner in the UK.
We then take you through HOW and WHEN we put each of the TTouches into practice – what sort of things we use them for and why, sharing our top tips and hints to make it really accessible for you to give it a go with your own dog.
INCLUDES a full colour TTouch Body Work guide from the amazing Sarah Fisher at Animal Centred Education – the UK’s leading TTouch Practitioner