The people in your dog's life Step 1 of 4 25% Your details This is just so we can match your form to your client folderName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Dog's Name(Required)(Please just include the name of the main dog we're working with) Other ADULTS who spend significant time with your dog(s) This section is for you to tell us both about adults who live in your house, and also about any other friends or family who spend significant, regular time with your dog(s). ADULTS who live at home with you: How many other adults live at home with you?(Required)Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0. Adult 1: Name First Last Approximate age groupe.g. 40sRelationship to youe.g. partner, daughter, step-son, lodger Adult 2: Name First Last Approximate age groupe.g. 40sRelationship to youe.g. partner, daughter, step-son, lodger Adult 3: Name First Last Approximate age groupe.g. 40sRelationship to youe.g. partner, daughter, step-son, lodger Adult 4: Name First Last Approximate age groupe.g. 40sRelationship to youe.g. partner, daughter, step-son, lodger Details for other adults at home: If you live with more than 4 other adults, please tell us about the others here:handy hint.... click the + on the right hand side to add more rows!NameApproximate age groupRelationship to you Add RemovePlease put any other relevant information about these people here: Any other ADULTS who do not live with you: Are there any other adults (not living with you) that your dog spends significant time with? Yes No Please tell us who they are here:E.g. parents or partners living at another address. Please do not include professionals like dog walkers in this section. And a handy hint.... click the + on the right hand side to add more rows! NameApproximate age groupRelationship to youHow often do they see your dog(s)? Add RemovePlease put any other information you wish to provide about these people here: CHILDREN who spend significant time with your dog(s) CHILDREN who live at home with you: How many CHILDREN UNDER 18 live at home with you?(Required)If none, please enter 0Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.Please give details of ALL children who live at home here:Handy hint.... click the + on the right hand side to add more rows!NameAgeRelationship to you Add RemoveIf there is anything else that it would be helpful for us to know about children living at home, please pop this information here: Any other CHILDREN who do not live with you: Are there any other CHILDREN (not living with you) that your dog spends significant time with? Yes No Please tell us who they are here:Handy hint.... click the + on the right hand side to add more rows!NameApproximate age groupRelationship to youHow often do they see your dog(s)? Add RemoveIf there is anything that it would be helpful for us to know about these children, please pop this information here: Medical issues it would help us to be aware of It is really helpful for us to know if you, or anyone at home, has any medical conditions that may affect how you interact with your dog or how you may wish to work with us. We will make every effort to put adjustments in place wherever we can - our aim is for life with your dog to be as easy and enjoyable as possible and in particular, please let us know if there is anything we can do to make sessions more comfortable for you. Please tell us how we can support you or put 'for info' if it is just so we are aware.For example arthritis, restricted mobility, anxiety, reduced hearing or sight, 'on chemotherapy etc. Handy hint.... click the + on the right hand side to add more rows!WhoCondition or things you may find harderHow can we support you? Add RemoveAnd that's it! Time to submit..... 11864